Sunday, April 12, 2009

Be Still and Know....

When Elijah went to the Mountain of God, he hid himself in a small cave. In that cave he sought God's protection from the threatening Jezebel. More importantly, though, he needed God's assurance and confidence. I find it interesting that what he experienced and what ultimately brought him the solace and strength he needed was not in the wind that had power to break rocks, nor was it emotions that the earthquake may have fostered, nor was it found in the raging fire that burned the rocks outside the cave entrance...but it was the still, quiet voice of God.

When the disciples were in jeopardy on the lake, and the wind was blowing with the sound of a freight train, and the waves broke over the bow of the boat, when Jesus shows up, He rebukes the wind, the noise and the waves....and everything became still and serene.

When Jesus was worn out by the constant demands of the people longing for answers, healing and food, He would pull away to a deserted place and quietly wait on the Father. When He needed courage and clarity the night before His betrayal, crucifixion and impending death, He took His disciples to the garden - away from the city - to pray in quietness to the Father.

It is in the quiet place - that place where cell phones and pagers and television and crowds are not allowed to go - Jesus called it a 'closet' place. A place where others aren't and only you and the Lord are - where you can hear the still quiet voice of God your Father. It is a safe place where you can lay down your anger, your wounding, your internal arguments that you have with yourself and with others and simply be with Him.

It is not noise and clamour and loud energy that soothes the soul, but the calming reassurance brought by our Father's voice - in prayer and in His Word. Let Him speak to you today.

Tell yourself: " soul is being refreshed and rejuvenated and healed. My Father is speaking."

Peace to you.
